January 31 - February 2, 2025: U6/7 - U10 & U2OLD
- U2OLD (A Co-ed Division featuring Geneseo alumni, coaches & residents of District 228 with one GUEST player) play Saturday February 1st
- U6/7 Boys & Girls teams play Sunday February 2nd
- Fridays are only for local teams to play as needed
- All other Boys' Teams play Saturdays; Girls play Sundays
- Note U11 games have been moved to the second tournament weekend
- NEW If your 6,7, or 8 year old would like to play but does not have a team, SEMSS would like to help out! Please complete this google form : Team Assistance Form
February 28 - March 2, 2025: U11 - U14/15
- Note U11 has moved to the second weekend
- U14/15 players cannot be in high school
- Fridays are only for local teams to play as needed
- All other Boys' Teams play Saturdays; Girls play Sundays